001) Rimini Fitness & Wellness

"The annual Rimini Fitness & Wellness event has just ended, which saw the participation of ASI (Italian Social Sports Associations), on the occasion, this year, of the thirtieth anniversary of its establishment. Mammutmedia participated, as a technological partner, with the aim of providing support on the part relating to the register and membership procedures, which since last year have been managed with an ad hoc procedure.
The opportunity was fruitful for gathering information and 'first-hand' impressions from the users involved in the process. We thank the President of ASI, Claudio Barbaro and Achille Sette, for the hospitality provided to us and for the constant commitment to identifying and analyzing the flows to be implemented



01) BallSystem®

"Mammutmedia has developed for BallSystem® an integration tool between the management system, created on the Claris® Filemaker platform, and Quattroruote Infocar Repair®, the well-known preventive software specific for workshops and body shops produced by Editoriale Domus. 



02) Alphabet©Italia

"Mammutmedia resources have been creating numerous tools for Alphabet-Italia©, the BMW Group's long-term rental company, for over 10 years, designing and proposing various innovative solutions and providing high-quality technological support. 


03) Rome 12/04/2024 The Drivalia-Mammutmedia partnership agreement signed

“The partnership agreement has been signed between Mammutmedia and Drivalia, a strategic player in the panorama of 360° mobility in the automotive sector, active in 13 countries in Europe.
It is the first important step of a project that intends to support our customers and anyone who wants to become part of the "Mammutmedia Mobility" world, towards the transition to sustainable mobility.
In a phase of complex transformation of the automotive ecosystem which is generating strong technical, practical and economic resistance in the end user, our commitment is to make the practice of sustainable mobility concretely accessible to the greatest number of people.


04) Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica

The Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica - International Exhibition Of Film Art organized by the Venice Biennale and this year in its 80th edition, has always been one of the most important events, at an international level, linked to the world of cinema.

Last year 2022, around 3,800 works entered the competition and were appropriately viewed by a group of experts, in charge of making the appropriate selection. Overall, more than 200 titles were presented in the various sections of the Festival, including retrospective and collateral sections.
These numbers give an idea of the complexity linked to the organization and management processes of an event of this magnitude.


05) Loading and management of extraordinary heathcare pratices

The new portal for extraordinary healthcare services provided to members of @Enbic @Enbims @Enbif has been released, designed and developed by MammutMedia.
This latest release implements a project initiated in 2019, focusing on managing the processing of extraordinary practices, ceilings, and related accounting controls. With the new functionalities, entity operators will have instant access to practices submitted by members, increasing productivity and timeliness in communications.


06) Construction Site Management Software: Cutini company and the new Tramway of Florence

For the realization of the new tramway in Florence, the Cutini company has successfully utilized the software developed by Mammutmedia, a longstanding partner of the company.
The application, developed in Claris® Filemaker Pro, with our Michele Di Toro overseeing the software project, has assisted the company in the challenging task of managing all phases of the project: site organization, sector, accounting, invoicing, management control, daily reports, progress reports, personnel attendance, delivery notes, cost management, reporting, etc. We sincerely thank Loreto Boni (pictured) and the entire Cutini staff for the continuous support provided in the project analysis. Good job


07) BOFFI® FM FURNITURE SOFTWARE developed by Mammutmedia

Boffi® FM Furniture is software developed in Claris® Filemaker Pro®.
It is a general management software for networks of flagship stores in the furniture sector (modular kitchens, bathrooms, systems), distributed all over the world, multilingual and multi-currency, with which it is possible to check the economic results, set sale and purchase, compile offers / orders, issue invoices, record and prepare management reports for single store or centralized and aggregated.
The main features are stability, scalability, speed of implementation and changes. This makes the product ductile and flexible and allows functions and processes to be verticalized to meet very specific needs that can change quickly over time.
This explains why our product has been the system used successfully by major companies with networks of over 30 flagship stores and various mono-brand stores around the world, for a total of hundreds of simultaneous users and thousands of offers, orders and invoices.


08) ERP ASI Associazioni Sportive Italiane

This software developed in Claris FileMaker® is a comprehensive solution that provides various functionalities for managing memberships, patents, vouchers, and payment mandates. The software is designed to streamline the process of managing members, payments, and patented technicians, and to provide a user-friendly experience to its users.

The membership management functionality of the software includes a card request web portal, where users can request new membership cards using the ConiNet® model. The portal also allows users to submit payment requests and attach payment receipts in PDF or JPG format. The administration can verify the actual payments and manage exceptions through a user interface. The software also includes a dashboard for monitoring membership status and a procedure for loading payments into the forecast management software flow automatically.

The software provides affiliate and membership database loading procedures, which allow users to unify databases through affiliation code and tax code. It also includes a web access mask for local and affiliated entities to view their affiliates and members.


09) CSN Collision Italia

CSN Collision Italia, a leading international company providing integrated services for auto repair, has chosen Mammutmedia for the development of its management software. Thus, "Vulkan" is born, the software that will allow the management of all complex and delicate organizational, control, documentation, and reporting phases of various interventions, enabling the client to constantly monitor the progress of work and allowing licensees to identify and evaluate any potential issues or critical points in the various processes. In the photo, Roberto Sticca, General Manager of CSN Collision Italia, and Marco Giovannini of Mammutmedia, Project Manager and Senior Developer



10) Register of ASI operators. To the future

Over the nine months since its official launch
the operator register management procedure, created by Mammutmedia for ASI Nazionale, has been progressively enriched with new modules, which have further enhanced its functionality and significantly improved usability. The continuous interaction with ASI resources and with the operators themselves, whose needs were carefully collected, have meant that the product has reached that full maturity which today allows the complex procedures to be carried out fully automatically and with extreme agility. authorization to carry out courses, renewal and equalization of memberships, accounting management, automatic generation of documentation (cards and diplomas), and all statistical analyses.
